100% offers the best clothes dryers or tumble dryers from top brands you know and love. Our clothes dryer range comes with advanced features and energy-efficient models so you can choose the best clothes dryer for your home. Whether you choose from our range of heat pump dryers, vented dryers, condenser dryers, or dryer accessories, you will definitely find the best new clothes dryer to suit your needs and budget.
We have a wide range of clothes dryers to suit every preference and budget. 100% Home offers the best clothes dryers/washing machine combos for situations where you don't have a laundry room and space is an issue, as well as heat pump dryers, condenser dryers and vented dryers. We also have matching front-loader washing machine and dryer pairs for the ultimate stylish laundry.
If you’ve already bought a washing machine or clothes dryer, you can build kitchen/laundry cabinets to house them, but this will mean the cabinets will be bigger and deeper than normal. A truly integrated appliance is generally smaller as it will need to be housed within a run of standard kitchen cupboards. Given the costs of building bespoke cupboards it would be unusual to use free-standing washing machines and dryers in this way.
Heat pump dryers collect extracted water from drying in a tank that can be emptied into the sink. This eliminates the need to drill a hole in the wall or window and run a hose through it. They also typically don't require plumbing since the condensed water is stored in a tank that can be emptied manually. However, there are some that require a drain line to be attached to a sink, floor gully or drain outlet in order to drain the condensed water. Before you buy a heat pump dryer, it's best to check how to install the particular model to determine if it requires plumbing.
Some people have design aesthetics as a high priority and want a matching pair, especially if the laundry is in a high visibility area. In some instances, the machines need to be stacked and so having a matching pair or washing machine and clothes dryer offers the best option.
For many people, their choice of laundry appliances is based on both need and budget. Some may choose to spend more on a washing machine with a greater capacity and features and get a cheaper dryer. Others who don't have access to outdoor washing lines, may want to spend more on a clothes dryer with advanced technology. Matching pairs are also only available with front-loader washing machines, not top-loaders.
A clothes dryer also called a "tumble dryer" or just a "dryer," has become an indispensable appliance in most households. Its intended use is to eliminate dampness from materials like clothes and sheets. Dryers are typically used after using a washing machine. Three types of the most popular dryers are vented dryer, condenser dryer and heat pump dryer.
Condenser dryers provide many advantages, including not having a vent. Without a vent, a condenser dryer has less of a chance of getting clogged or damaged. It also doesn't need to be plumbed in which means it can be placed practically anywhere.
One of the disadvantages of a condenser dryer is it can be expensive. It's also not as efficient when compared to other dryer types . You also need to regularly empty the water. Its biggest drawback, however, is that condensed dryers are known to cause damage to clothes in the long run.
You have two things to consider when buying a dryer - the cost of purchase and the running cost of using the machine.
Condenser dryers are mid-priced and the most popular type of dryer. They expel hot air into a container as vapour which is condensed into water. The container will need to be emptied regularly unless it’s connected to the plumbing.
Heat pump dryers are generally the most expensive to buy, but they provide efficient drying and are the cheapest to run. With reverse tumbling action, they evenly distrubute heat to prevent tangling and improve drying consistency. They recycle and reuse the hot air generated rather than vent it outside. Instead, like the condenser dryer, the water is extracted from the warm vapour and dumped into a tank which will need to be emptied often unless plumbed in.
Traditional vented dryers are the most affordable to buy but the damp air has to be expelled through a hose that is permanently fitted through an external wall or via a window. On average vented dryers will dry clothes the fastest but they are not very energy efficient, so will cost a lot to run.
When it comes to saving money, heat pump dryers are at the top of the list. Most heat pump dryers have an A+ or higher energy rating, making them the most efficient dryers and the most cost-effective to run.
If you're searching for a dryer that's easy to set up, a condenser dryer can be a good option because you don't have to worry about it blocking a door or window in your laundry room. A drawback is that you'll need to drain the collected water on a regular basis.
A vented dryer is more cost-effective than a condenser dryer, but it needs to be installed in an accessible area with proper ventilation. If you're looking for a machine that won't drain your bank account or your free time, this one is for you because it's more environmentally friendly and requires less upkeep. However, you need to make sure you have enough room to place one, so a condenser may be the best option for smaller houses or apartments.
There are many different kinds of dryers on the market, and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Having said that, there is no one option that is superior to another. The right clothes dryer, rather, is a matter of personal taste, preferences and budget.
If you're looking for a heat pump technology dryer that has maximum energy efficiency and is cost-effective in the long run, your best choice would be a heat pump dryer since it creates hot air and reuses the heat from the air being exhausted during the drying process. If you want the best dryer performance-wise, a condenser dryer is your best bet since it's a powerful machine that can dry family -sized loads of laundry and dry clothes fast.