
Can a good refrigerator really help you save food and energy?

Can a good refrigerator really help you save food and energy?

Ever stood in front of your fridge, overwhelmed by the sad, wilted veggies and expired leftovers? We've all been there. But did you know that your fridge could be your secret weapon in the fight against food waste and high energy bills? That's right! Investing in a good refrigerator can make a world of difference and here’s why and how.

Can you get a built-under dishwasher to match seamless kitchen design?

Can you get a built-under dishwasher to match seamless kitchen design?

If you’re in the process of upgrading your kitchen and want a sleek minimal look, you’ll know how hard it is to find the perfect dishwasher that will seamlessly integrate into your kitchen. The good news is that Fisher & Paykel have a new built-under dishwasher that not only offers a minimal design aesthetic, it also is easy to install, making it possible to achieve the sleek, integrated kitchen of your dreams.